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Drowning in a sea of notifications?

CustomPod reads articles from your favorite news outlets and gives you a summary of the topics that matter most to you, so you can stay informed on the go.Include updates from your trusted news outlets, blogs [and soon Slack and Email] to hyper-personalize your daily briefing.

Try it for free today!

Cut out the noise

How many times have you listened to your podcast feed and heard the same topic over and over again?With CustomPod, you can select a specific set of topics from trusted news providers, and get a flash briefing daily of just those topics.

Get Up-To-The-Minute News

CustomPod utilizes content from your already trusted news and blog sources and gives you a rundown of recent updates in a brief podcast format.Catch up on what's going on in your world while taking the dog for a walk or driving home from work.

news from various places feeding into a single spot

Trusted News Sources

Balance the categories from places like CNN, Fox News, BBC, however you like. Your news, your way.

Add your own RSS feeds!

Supports various other feeds of news including blogs, your inbox, and anywhere else you scroll throughout the day

Daily Podcasts

Get a podcast with up to 10 articles in it for free, with the ability to subscribe to add more

Go Pro to add more podcast collections

Subscribe to CustomPod Pro to make multiple collections of podcasts, add them to your Apple or Google podcasts app, and to add more articles per podcast.

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